The driver for this scanning project is to secure the past club newsletters in order to maintain a Club History.
Thank you to to Craig vk3kg, for the enthusiasm over the Club History project and for collecting the paper copies and making them available for scanning.
Newsletters will be processed as they become available. If you have any paper versions, please hold onto them as we may need to “plug a few holes” as processing of our library copies continues.
The current collection of documents scanned and assembled into single issue PDF files are available here: Pre 2005 Scanned Paper Newsletters in PDF format-
The current collection of original scanned pages are available here:Pre 2005 Scanned Paper Newsletters in JPG format 1 file per page-
If errors or inconsistencies are noted please let me know by email vk3ncc (at) WIA.ORG.AU
Colin vk3ncc, September 2022.