Welcome to the BARG newsletter page, here you will find newsletters from the past up until the current day. Click on the appropriate month for the newsletter you wish to read.

Important notice for newsletter article submissions

The newsletter is only as good as the material provided by the members. So if you’re out and about, bought a new piece of kit, or brewing something on the bench, write up a few words, take a picture and send it in. Equally, if you see something weird, interesting or funny, send it through. Please don’t worry about the format or the layout. An email or text document is fine. The editor will sort it out so that it fits in with the rest of the newsletter.

If your not a member but have something you’d like BARG members to see, such as a nearby Hamfest or club activity, send it through.

The editor has final say on what’s published. Submissions may be edited for size or readability. Please respect the copyright owners of original material.

The BARG newletter is written in Libre Office. Photo editing is done with GIMP. All running on Ubuntu.

The Newsletter aims to be published the weekend before the general meeting, which is typically the last Friday of the month.

     It’s never too late too send something in! And you might be surprised with the feedback. 🙂 

July Newsletter 2020
July Newsletter 2020
358.4 KiB
July Newsletter 2020358.4 KiB1120
August Newsletter 2020521.8 KiB1120
September Newsletter 2020506.1 KiB1120
October Newsletter 2020523.6 KiB1237
April Newsletter 2020502.0 KiB1266
May Newsletter 20201.1 MiB1285
January Newsletter 20201.5 MiB1360
March Newsletter 2020520.6 KiB1409
November Newsletter 20201.5 MiB1461
June Newsletter 2020547.9 KiB1501
February Newsletter 20202.2 MiB1678